La militarització de la policia es refereix a l’ús d’equips i tàctiques militars per part dels agents de l’ordre. Això inclou l’ús de vehicles blindats, rifles d’assalt, granades flashbang, rifles de franctirador i equips SWAT. Els defensors argumenten que aquest equip augmenta la seguretat dels agents i els permet protegir millor el públic i la resta de socorristes. Els opositors argumenten que les forces policials que van rebre equipament militar eren més propenses a tenir trobades violentes amb el públic.
Sí, però només en resposta a situacions extremes
No, les situacions extremes han de ser gestionades per agències superiors amb formació i equipament especialitzat
Sí, però amb una estricta formació sobre com i quan utilitzar l’equip
If a friend expressed fear of going to a protest because of heavily armed police, what advice would you give them?
How would you feel if you saw a police officer patrolling your school with military-grade gear, and why?
Have you ever witnessed a police operation in your area that used high-tech equipment; what was your immediate reaction?
How might the depiction of police in movies and TV shows with military gear impact our views on real-life policing?
What changes would you expect in your local community if the police department decided to no longer use military-grade equipment?
Reflect on a time when you felt extremely safe or unsafe in your community; what role did the police play in that feeling?
How do you think the history of your community influences its stance on police using military-grade equipment?
If given the chance to vote on the extent of military equipment in your local police force, what factors would influence your decision?
How do personal stories or news reports of police encounters influence your opinion on the militarization of the police?
In imagining a future society, would you see an increased or decreased use of military equipment by police, and why?