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Lifeline for Ukraine as Zelensky has 25-minute phone call with Trump AND Elon Musk about US support during Russia war

Livline for Ukraine, da Zelensky har 25-minutters telefonsamtale med Trump OG Elon Musk om amerikansk støtte under Ruslands krig

UKRAINE has been given a lifeline after Volodymyr Zelensky spoke with Donald Trump... President-elect Trump vowed to support Ukraine in their continued fight against Russia. The world's richest man Elon Musk was also on the phone call after his growing...


Donald Trump vender svingstaten i historisk sejr og passerer 300 stemmer, mens detaljer om iransk 'attentat' plot afsløres

DONALD Trump is on his way to achieving a historic election clean sweep not seen in 40 years after capturing all seven key swing states in the election. The president-elect won key battlegrounds