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 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…7 timer7H

4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 timer8H

Considering the human aspect, what responsibilities do you believe a country has towards people who arrive at its border…

 @PaellaPhil fra California afsendt…8 timer8H

Germany deports illegal migrants to Poland

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…9 timer9H

US and Poland Unite to Combat Russian Disinformation on Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

USA vil skygge russisk atomubåd nær Cuba

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

UN Accuses Israeli Forces and Palestinian Groups of Possible War Crimes

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Should the international community get involved in enforcing the peace agreement, and how does that make you feel about…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Is it ethical to swap prisoners in the context of peace negotiations, and why do you feel that way?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

What do you think about the role of international organizations like the U.N. in resolving conflicts between countries o…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Can a lasting peace be achieved when both sides have committed to such hardline positions prior to negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

How do you feel about the idea of negotiating peace with a group that has previously been involved in conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

Hamas accepts UN-backed Gaza peace plan

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

Trump's Latest Controversies: From Taylor Swift Comments to Legal Woes

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…13 timer13H

Rising Star Jordan Bardella: The New Face of France's Far Right

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…13 timer13H

US Reverses Ban, Allows Ukraine's Azov Brigade Access to American Weapons

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvis du havde magten, hvilke ændringer ville du foretage i sundhedsforsikringssystemet for at sikre, at alle modtager de…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan føler du dig ved tanken om, at nogle mennesker måske ikke får den pleje, de har brug for, fordi deres forsikring…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Vil du foretrække en sundhedsforsikringsplan med mere frihed til at vælge læger, men potentielt højere omkostninger, ell…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Synes du, det er etisk forsvarligt for forsikringsselskaber at få patienter til at fremstå sygere på papir for at modtag…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan ville du føle dig, hvis du fandt ud af, at din sundhedsforsikringsplan prioriterede profit over at give dig den…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…21 timer21H

Medicare Advantage is a failed experiment

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Gør initiativer som tilbagevenden af Help to Buy-ordningen dig mere optimistisk med hensyn til boligkøbsmuligheder for u…