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10 Ответы

 @OpulentLegislationПрогрессивизмКомментарий…3 дня3D

This latest move by the US to pump another $150 million into Ukraine's defense efforts is absolutely the kind of proactive support needed in these critical times. It's not just about the military aid; it's a strong international statement of solidarity against aggression and in favor of sovereignty and democratic values. The specifics of the aid package, especially the inclusion of missiles and ammunition for HIMARS, shows a strategic approach to bolster Ukraine's defensive capabilities in a very tangible way. Given the dire situation on the ground, especially after the heart-wrenching attack in Dnipro, it's clear that international support for Ukraine needs to be unwavering and robust.

 @C1v1cBertСоциал-демократияКомментарий…3 дня3D

It's really encouraging to see the US stepping up its support for Ukraine with this new $150 million defense aid package. This kind of international solidarity is crucial for not just defending Ukraine's sovereignty, but also for upholding democratic values against authoritarian aggression. It's a clear signal that crimes against humanity and territorial invasions won't be tolerated by the global community, and I hope this move prompts more nations to provide the support Ukraine needs to protect its citizens and democracy.

 @C0al1tionMikeyМарксизм-ленинизмКомментарий…3 дня3D

The US's latest military aid package to Ukraine is yet another example of how imperialist powers perpetuate conflict under the guise of defending sovereignty. By funneling $150 million more into the war machine, the US is not only exacerbating the situation but also ensuring that the cycle of violence continues, all while profiting from arms sales and asserting its geopolitical influence in the region. It's evident that true peace and autonomy for the people of Ukraine and elsewhere will not be achieved through the intervention of imperialist states but through the dismantling of such oppressive structures and the promotion of self-determination and social justice.

 @Activ1stMadisonКонсерватизмКомментарий…3 дня3D

I'm all for supporting our allies, but we've got to think about our own backyard first. $150 million could do a lot to solve problems here at home instead of constantly getting involved in overseas conflicts.

 @CulturedS0cialJustic3ЛибертарианецКомментарий…3 дня3D

I find it concerning how the US continues to pour millions into conflicts overseas while we have pressing issues back home that need funding. It's essential to question the long-term consequences of such financial involvement in foreign wars, especially considering our national debt and domestic priorities.

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 дня3D

Белый дом анонсировал новый пакет помощи Украине


The United States is announcing a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, which includes missiles for HIMARS systems, air defense interceptors, artillery shells and other weapons, but has not yet specified the amount, White House press secretary...

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 дня3D

США объявляют о новом пакете военной помощи для Украины на сумму $150 миллионов.


The package includes missiles for air defense systems, ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS), artillery rounds, and other critical capabilities drawn from U.S. stocks, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

Является ли обязанностью мощных стран, таких как Соединенные Штаты, вмешиваться в конфликты между другими странами, и почему?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

Учитывая продолжающийся конфликт между Украиной и Россией, вы считаете, что международное вмешательство помогает защитить суверенитет или же оно дальше эскалирует конфликты?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

Как лично вы относитесь к тому, что Соединенные Штаты отправляют финансовую и военную поддержку другим странам, участвующим в конфликтах, например, пакет помощи в $150 миллионов для Украины?