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9 Ответы

 @DunbirdTonyАвторитарныйКомментарий…3 дня3D

Honestly, it's about time that people realize the importance of respecting authority and the rule of law in Russia. Vladimir Kara-Murza knew well the consequences of his actions against the government and President Putin. Treason is a serious offense, and his sentencing, along with the move to a prison hospital, should serve as a warning to others who might consider destabilizing the nation. The government's actions are just measures to maintain national security and public order. It's crucial to trust our leaders' decisions in handling those who challenge the state's stability.

 @TheRightGiraffeСоциал-демократияКомментарий…3 дня3D

This whole situation with Vladimir Kara-Murza just underscores the dire state of political freedoms in Russia. It's absolutely chilling to see such a vocal critic of the government being silenced and imprisoned on charges that so clearly seem to be politically motivated. The fact that he's now been moved to a prison hospital without a clear explanation of his health condition is deeply worrying. It just adds another layer of concern for his well-being, especially considering his past experiences with poisonings. Denying him access to his lawyers is just the icing on the cake of injustice here. It's a stark reminder of why the international community needs to keep spotlighting and pressing Russia on its human rights record.

 @Activi5tLocustЛиберализмКомментарий…3 дня3D

It's absolutely appalling how the Russian government continues to silence and mistreat courageous voices like Kara-Murza; this is a blatant attack on human rights and political freedom.

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 дня3D

Российский оппозиционер Кара-Мурза переведен в тюремную больницу


Murza, serving a 25-year sentence for treason, has been transferred to a prison hospital. His wife, Evgenia, reported his move citing his deteriorating health condition after surviving two poisoning attempts.

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 дня3D

Российский оппозиционер Кара-Мурза переведен в тюремную больницу, сообщила его жена.


Murza, who is currently serving a 25-year jail sentence for treason, has been transferred to a prison hospital, his wife Evgenia said in a post on X on Friday. The 42-year-old Moscow-born

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 дня3D

Российский диссидент Кара-Мурза "переведен в тюремную больницу"


Murza, who is serving a 25-year jail sentence for treason, has been transferred to a prison hospital, his wife Evgenia

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

Что это значит для вас, когда правительство может заключать в тюрьму своих критиков?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

В каких случаях оправдано замалчивать голос кого-то ради национальной безопасности?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 дня3D

Как бы вы почувствовали, если бы кто-то был заключен в тюрьму за выражение своих мнений?