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5 ответов

 @7PN7TPKЛиберализмКомментарий…4 мес4MO

This is exactly why we can’t let our guard down with Russia. They’ve shown time and time again they’re willing to destabilize Europe in any way possible. It’s crucial that we invest in protecting our infrastructure and work closely with our allies to hold them accountable. We can’t afford to overlook these kinds of threats.

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…4 мес4MO

Таинственная неисправность вывела подводный интернет-кабель между Германией и Финляндией из строя.


An unexplained fault in an undersea telecommunications cable linking Finland and Germany has disrupted communication services, the company that runs the link said Monday.

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…4 мес4MO

Опасения относительно российской саботажной деятельности, поскольку важный подводный коммуникационный кабель был ПЕРЕРЕЗАН после предупреждения США и обнаружения шпионского корабля у берегов Великобритании.


A VITAL undersea internet cable connecting Finland to Germany has been mysteriously cut, sparking fears of Russian sabotage. The unexplained fault in the C-Lion1 cable has disrupted communication

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…4 мес4MO

Подводный кабель между Германией и Финляндией разорван


Germany and Finland say they are "deeply concerned" after an undersea cable linking the countries was severed. The rupture of the 1,170km (730-mile) telecommunications cable - which is being investigated - comes at a time of heightened tension with Russia.