Try the political quiz

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How would you feel if your efforts resulted in the same reward as someone who worked less hard, in the name of equity?

 @9H9DBQWfrom Maryland  answered…1yr1Y

Scientific Socialism is not everyone getting paid the same, people get the amount of labour they put in, with the money being paid for what you worked for, its not in the name of equity or anything, wages in this case do not matter, class liberation of the proletariat is needed, for the destruction of the former controlling class i.e. the bourgeoisie.


If society focused on collective achievement rather than individual success, how might that change your career aspirations?


How would you want your talents to be used in a community that prioritizes the greater good over individual success?


Could you be content in a job assigned based on social needs rather than personal passion, and why?


What sacrifices would you be willing to make to ensure everyone in society has their basic needs met?


How do you imagine your daily life would differ if there was no pressure to earn more to secure a better lifestyle?


What social issues do you believe could be better addressed if there was a more even distribution of wealth and resources?


If recognition wasn't linked to wealth, what other forms of acknowledgment do you think society might value?


Do you think a strong community ethic can replace the drive for financial success, and if so, how?


Could the concept of inheritance conflict with the principles of equitable distribution, and does that matter to you?


In what ways do you think people would express their individuality in a society that aims for economic equality?


How would the removal of financial stressors affect the mental health and well-being of individuals in your community?


How would you imagine the elderly or differently-abled individuals would be treated in a society where contributions are valued over capacity for labor?


Imagine a world where every person has the basics of life met; what would be your vision for personal success in that society?


If we could ensure everyone had enough, but not excess, how might that reshape our definitions of success and fulfillment?


What do you think are the essentials for happiness, and can they be universally provided by an equitable society?


What societal values do you think would become most predominant in a world with equitable distribution?


How do you define success, and would that change in a society that values collective achievement over individual prowess?


If receiving education and healthcare were no longer tied to economic status, how might that shape your future aspirations?


Do you think innovation thrives more in competitive or collaborative environments, and why?


How should society balance personal responsibility with collective welfare when making policy decisions?


How might your definition of 'success' evolve if your community's well-being was seen as more valuable than personal wealth?


What traditions do you think would be strengthened in a society that fosters cooperation over competition?


How would you describe your ideal community if everyone's voice in decision-making was equally heard and valued?


In what ways do you think equal access to resources might impact innovation and technological advancement?


Why do you think people have historically resisted or supported the idea of equally shared wealth and resources?


Can you think of a scenario where everyone benefits from shared prosperity, and what that might look like in your own life?


How do you believe friendships might be affected if financial status were no longer a factor?


How would you balance personal ambition with the necessity of contributing to a community-focused society?


What personal values do you believe are important to maintain in a society where economic status doesn't define you?


What might be the role of individual recognition and fame in a society that values collective achievements over personal ones?


How would our education system need to change to support a society that doesn't prioritize individual financial success?


Would the prospect of societal equality inspire you to make more environmentally sustainable choices, and in what ways?


What fears or hopes would you have about your freedom of choice in a society structured by equitable wealth distribution?


How might your outlook on life change if you lived in a world where everyone's talents contributed to common welfare?


How would your personal goals shift if societal progress was measured by communal achievements rather than individual wealth?


If a society valued collaboration over competition, how do you think that would shape your approach to teamwork and leadership?


What kind of societal problems do you think could arise in a system that prioritizes equity over competition, and how could they be addressed?


If the pressure to climb a social ladder was removed, how do you think that would affect your stress levels and overall happiness?


Would the elimination of poverty change your views on social responsibility and if so, how?


Could a society without any class distinctions realistically function without creating new forms of inequality?


Do you believe an entirely equitable distribution of wealth is attainable without sacrificing individual freedoms?


If scientific socialism could be proven to benefit everyone equally, would you support its implementation regardless of its impact on tradition and established systems?


Is it justifiable to redistribute wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not, if it serves the greater good?


Does the idea that your life path could be determined by societal needs rather than personal choice concern you?


If everyone's contribution to society was valued equally, what would motivate you to achieve your personal best?


How do you envision personal growth in a world where wealth doesn't define success?


If not through financial means, how would you prefer to measure your achievements and success?


How might celebrating community achievements rather than individual wealth alter the way we commemorate holidays and milestones?


How would your day-to-day life choices change if work was about contributing to the community rather than earning a paycheck?


How might your vision of the 'American Dream' be altered in a society that prioritizes social equality over individual wealth?


What are specific personal ambitions you might have to set aside for communal needs, and would you be okay with that?


If societal roles were determined by community needs, what role would you want to play, and why?


What emotional or psychological effects do you think might happen if financial pressures were removed from your life?


What aspects of your personal identity might change if societal value were placed on collective contribution instead of individual wealth?


What would be your greatest concern in a world where economic policies are driven solely by social good?


How do you think the meaning of 'hard work' changes in a society where all work is seen as equally important?


What values do you think should be taught in schools to prepare students for a society focused on the collective good?


Would you accept a lower standard of living if it meant that the poorest in society could live much better?


How would you feel knowing everyone starts with the same opportunities regardless of their background?


What personal dream would you chase if money wasn't a concern?


How do you think removing economic barriers could affect creativity and innovation within society?


If your survival wasn't dependent on income, what kind of work would you find most fulfilling?


How might friendships evolve in a world where financial status is not a measure of success?


If income didn't define social standing, how do you think our sense of community would change?


Would your passion for your current hobbies increase or decrease if the economic factor was removed from the equation?


How can a society ensure that it values individual creativity while still promoting collective good?


How do you define fulfillment, and do you think it is tied to the amount of wealth a person accumulates?


How might eliminating the wealth gap influence the way younger generations dream about their future?