Try the political quiz

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How might integrating aspects of a favorite team sport, like fairness and team spirit, into an electoral process affect your engagement?


What impact do you think celebrating an 'Election Day' as a significant event would have on younger generations' voting habits?


How might the music or art world differ if fans voted on which songs or pieces became popular, like in a democratic system?


Imagine you're at a crossroads where one path represents the current voting system and the other electoral reform; which path do you take and why?


If you could relate the importance of voting to an aspect of your daily life, what comparison would you draw?


If you were writing a novel, how might you incorporate the idea of election integrity into the plot?


How does the idea of proportional representation make you feel about living in a less populated area?


Recall a time you were in the minority opinion; how would electoral reform have changed that situation?


How do you think our daily choices would change if they were influenced by a collective decision-making process?


What would make you feel more connected to the political process: transparency, simplicity, or something else?


What personal experiences have made you question the effectiveness of our current voting system?


If you could cast votes on environmental policies affecting your city, how would that affect your engagement with local politics?


If you had to explain the importance of voting to a younger sibling, what analogy would you use?


How does the concept of a secret ballot make you feel in terms of privacy and expression?


What would your ideal voting experience involve to make it more engaging and memorable?


What kind of energy do you think would be created by having debates or discussions in schools before an election?


How might the atmosphere in a voting booth change if you felt your vote directly influenced key issues?


What emotions would you feel if you discovered that the outcome of an election was significantly different from what polls predicted?


How does the idea of changing who can vote alter your perspective on future elections?


In what ways does the representation of politicians in movies and TV shows influence your expectations of real politicians?


If art and music influenced voting behavior, what kind of creations would you want to see?


How would reducing the voting age to 16 impact society's future, in your opinion?


What are your thoughts on online petitions and their impact on real-world policy changes?


Would you be more interested in politics if campaign promises were legally binding?


Is there a country whose electoral system you admire and why?


If you had one question to ask a political leader about how our elections are run, what would it be?


Do you feel that political debates change any minds, or are they just entertainment?


If your favorite celebrity ran for office, what qualities would be most important to you, regardless of their fame?


Would having a 'none of the above' option on the ballot change how you feel about voting?


What emotions do you associate with the process of casting a vote, and how does that influence your likelihood to participate?


If you could redesign the ballot to better reflect your values and interests, what would it look like?


How does the thought of being able to vote on matters directly through a smartphone app affect your view of political engagement?


In what ways do you think the success of a YouTube video or TikTok correlates with principles found in electoral systems?


Would you feel more empowered if you could directly vote on major policies rather than for representatives, and why?


How might your social media feeds change if content was pushed to you based on a popularity vote by your peers?


Do you think that your generation's values are accurately represented in current electoral outcomes, and why or why not?


Do you believe there should be an option to vote 'none of the above' in elections, and why?


How would you feel if schools taught detailed courses on the effects of electoral systems on daily life?


In a world with perfect electoral reform, what is one thing you would still be concerned about regarding elections?


How would your trust in the election outcomes change if all voting was done through securely encrypted digital platforms?


If you found out that a particular voting system would significantly benefit the environment, would that influence your support for it?


Imagine you’re designing a game about elections; what rules would you create to ensure the game is fair and fun for everyone?


How do you feel about the statement 'every vote counts' in light of recent elections you may have followed?


In what ways do you think your everyday decisions might change if they were influenced by a majority vote within your community?


How likely are you to talk to your friends about voting, and why?


Do you think celebrities or influencers should have a role in encouraging people to vote?


If you had the power to enforce one electoral reform immediately, what would it be?


Would you be in favor of making voting mandatory, and why or why not?


How do you feel about the idea of online voting in elections?


Do you think having more political parties would make elections more representative of people's views or just more complicated?