Try the political quiz

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If pets could be embraced by a whole community rather than owned by individuals, how would you engage with animals?


How would fashion and personal style evolve in a society where clothing is made strictly for functionality and comfort?


If all education content was shaped by community needs, what subjects would you want to learn or teach?


How would you express your individuality in a world where material possessions are no longer status symbols?


How might the concept of 'ownership' change if everything could be borrowed or shared within a community?


What would your dream home look like in a society where housing was considered a right, not a commodity?


If local food was free and accessible to everyone, how do you think it would change your eating habits?


In a society where all jobs are valued equally, what profession would you choose and why?


Imagine a world without advertisements; how would that impact your choices and desires?


If you could create a new sport that emphasized cooperation over competition, what would it look like?


How might being part of a tight-knit community affect your sense of identity and personal goals?


If your basic needs were taken care of by society, what personal goals would become your focus?


How would our cities look and function differently if built on the principles of collective ownership and access to resources?


Do you think a society focused on shared wealth would still inspire inventors and entrepreneurs, and why?


Imagine if your favorite hobby could be your job without worrying about pay; would you still want to do it?


In a world with no financial barriers, what dream would you chase and how could it benefit society?


How would you approach education if school taught you to prioritize community well-being over personal gain?


If income was no longer a worry, what passion or project would you pursue, and why?


How might universal basic income change the concept of 'success' for you and your peers?


Describe a time when sharing something brought you more happiness than keeping it for yourself.


How would the arts and entertainment fields be affected in a society where wealth is evenly distributed?


In your view, does equal opportunity mean everyone should receive the same education and health care, and why?


If everyone's basic income was guaranteed, how would that influence your career choice?


How do you think your relationships with people would change if everyone had similar economic status?


How would your day-to-day life change if your needs were already met by a collectively managed society?


Would you be willing to work in a job you're overqualified for if it meant overall societal welfare improved?


If you had the chance to design a school curriculum, how would you incorporate the concept of social responsibility?


How could a community ensure everyone's voice is heard in decision-making without getting bogged down in endless debate?


How would you feel about paying higher taxes if it significantly reduced poverty in your area?


Would you participate in a communal project if it didn't economically benefit you but improved your community?


Imagine the government provided your basic needs; what would you do with your free time?


What's an example of a time you preferred the good of the group over your own benefit?


How might the world look different if everyone started with the same wealth at birth?


If education were free at all levels, how might that impact your life choices and ambitions?


Can you think of a time when cooperation led to better results than competition in your own life?


What is one thing you would change about the way money controls power in society?


If you could vote on where tax dollars should go, what would be your top three priorities?


How would you react if a day's work, regardless of the job, had the same pay across the board?


What role should the state play in your life, and how much control are you willing to give up for the promise of equality?


Do you believe it's more important to uplift the weakest in society or reward the strongest, and what's the middle ground?


How might a society that has embraced popular socialism address the challenges of innovation and motivation?


In your ideal world, how would wealth and opportunities be distributed among people?


Do you think it's fair for someone to have billions of dollars while others don't have enough to eat, and why?


How would you feel if your personal success was capped to benefit others who may not work as hard as you do?