Try the political quiz

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What's a personal struggle you envision could be relieved through future tech, and how would that look like?


How has a device or app helped you maintain a hobby or interest that you may have otherwise lost touch with?


What's your vision of a community where every individual has equal access to new technologies?


How might technology be harnessed to give a voice to those who are often unheard in society?


If you had to teach someone a skill using technology, what tool would you choose and what would you teach?


Can you share a moment where connecting online with someone left a lasting impact on you?


If you could automate one aspect of your daily routine, what would it be and why?


How has technology challenged or changed your perception of your own culture and traditions?


If you were to create a tech start-up to solve a societal issue, which issue would you tackle and what would be your approach?


What are some ways we could use technology to create a more empathetic and understanding society?


How could we use technology to promote more active and informed citizenship?


When considering the future, what tech-driven invention excites you most for its potential societal impact?


If you could influence the development of a new technology, what would be your main focus, and why?


How do you feel about the development of smart cities that are heavily reliant on tech for everyday processes?


How do you think the increasing automation of jobs will shape your choices in education and career?


What are your thoughts on balancing the benefits of constant connectivity with the importance of digital detox?


Can you describe an instance where you felt that technology truly brought a community together?


What ethical dilemma do you foresee with the rise of AI in decision-making that concerns you the most?


In a tech-driven future, what skills do you think will be essential for your generation?


How would your ideal city integrate technology to enhance daily life while preserving the environment?


Do you think a technological innovation could help you achieve a personal goal, and what might that look like?


What role do you see for technology in managing the Earth's resources more sustainably?


How do you envision future healthcare systems utilizing technology to provide equitable care?


What's one ethical concern you have about the use of AI in daily life?


Can technology help us solve inequality, and if so, what's the first step?


What's one way you think virtual reality could change the way we socialize in the future?


How would you feel living in a world where all basic necessities are provided by automated systems?


How can we use technology to foster empathy and understanding between people with different viewpoints or backgrounds?


How do personal biases and assumptions impact the way technology is developed and used in society?


How should we navigate the balance between innovation and the potential for technology to disrupt traditional ways of life?


How does the rise of automation and artificial intelligence influence your thoughts on job security and career choice?


If you could design an app to solve a problem in your community, what would it do and who would it help?


How can we ensure that the creators of technology are considering diverse needs and perspectives in their designs?


What strategies would you suggest for individuals and communities to stay informed about the potential risks of new technologies?


How can we balance our enthusiasm for the latest gadgets with concerns over electronic waste and sustainability?


What is a pressing societal issue you think could be alleviated with the help of emerging technologies?


How can technology be leveraged to combat climate change without causing harm to the environment?


What steps should we take to ensure that technological advancements are accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status?


What is one technology-related change you would implement at your school to boost student engagement?


How might we use technology to reshape and improve the way our democracy functions?


What role do you think the youth should play in shaping the future of technological development?


How do you think virtual reality could influence education or professional training in the future?


If you had to choose one, would you prioritize the development of space exploration technology or earth sustainability technology, and why?


Imagine a technology that could enhance your schooling experience; what features would it have?


What concerns do you have about the future of work with the rise of automation?


How does technology influence your understanding of global issues like climate change or pandemics?


What's an example of a simple technology that has made a significant positive impact on society, in your opinion?


How do you perceive the balance between human creativity and AI-generated content in the arts, like music and literature?


Should inventors and tech companies be responsible for the societal impact of their products, or is it up to the users?


How do you guard against the spread of misinformation in the age of digital media, and what's your strategy?