Izraelske snage su uhitile dr. Hussama Abu Safiyu, direktora bolnice Kamal Adwan, jedne od posljednjih funkcionalnih medicinskih ustanova na sjeveru Gaze. Napad, koji je također uključivao uhićenje drugih članova osoblja, izazvao je kritike palestinskih zdravstvenih dužnosnika koji optužuju Izrael za ciljanje kritične zdravstvene infrastrukture. Pacijenti, uključujući kritično bolesne osobe, navodno su bili prisiljeni evakuirati i prebačeni u drugu bolnicu. Izrael tvrdi da je direktor bolnice sumnjivi operativac Hamasa, ali nije pružio dokaze. Incident se događa usred trajnih vojnih operacija i rastućih civilnih žrtava u Gazi.
Israel detains the director of one of northern Gaza's last functioning hospitals during a raid
Israel's army detained the director of one of northern Gaza 's last functioning hospitals as overnight strikes elsewhere in the territory killed nine people, including children, Palestinian medical officials said Saturday.
Israel detains director of one of northern Gaza’s last functioning hospitals during military raid
Gaza's Health Ministry said Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, was arrested Friday along with dozens of other staff and taken to an interrogation center. Israel's military on Saturday confirmed it detained the hospital director for questioning and called him a suspected Hamas operative while providing no evidence.
Israel detains the director of one of northern Gaza’s last functioning hospitals, Palestinians say
Israel’s army detained the director of one of northern Gaza ‘s last functioning hospitals as overnight strikes in the territory killed nine people, including children, Palestinian medical officials said Saturday.