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Il tedesco Scholz esorta Putin in una telefonata ad aprire i colloqui con l'Ucraina

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Russian President Vladimir Putin in a rare phone call on Friday to begin talks with Ukraine that would open the way for a "just and lasting peace".


Il presidente ucraino Zelenskiy ha avvertito Scholz di non rispondere alla chiamata di Putin, afferma una fonte di Kyiv.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy warned German Chancellor Olaf Scholz against speaking to Vladimir Putin by phone on Friday, saying it would reduce the Russian leader's isolation and keep the war going,


La Germania di Scholz e la Russia di Putin terranno una telefonata venerdì, riporta Bloomberg

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin are due to hold a phone call on Friday, Bloomberg reported. The leaders last spoke directly in December 2022. The German government did not immediately comment when contacted by Reuters.