Experimente o quiz político

10 respostas


Why do you think it's important (or not) for citizens to be involved in political processes, and can you share a personal moment that led you to this conviction?


What's your take on the balance between individual freedoms and collective responsibilities, especially in the context of a personal story or belief?


How do you envision the impact of technology on future employment, and do you have a personal or family experience that makes you feel this way?


What role do you believe your country should play on the global stage, and how has your background or experiences informed this view?


Can you think of a time when an issue of national security personally affected you or someone close, and how did it shape your opinions on the matter?


How does the concept of social equality influence your day-to-day interactions, and can you share an experience that highlights your thoughts?


Considering the importance of healthcare access, how can personal experiences with the healthcare system influence one's opinion on national policies?


Would a policy focused on increasing support for small businesses positively impact your community, and can you describe how?


In what ways do you think education should evolve to better prepare students for the future, and how has your own education experience led you to this belief?


How do you feel about the idea of balancing economic growth with environmental protection, and can you share a personal story that shapes your view?