정치 퀴즈를 시도

101 토론

 @ISIDEWITH 제출 됨…11 분11m

President Biden's Critical G-7 Summit in Italy Amid Global Concerns

 @ISIDEWITH 제출 됨…6 시간6H

Hong Kong Revokes Passports of Six Exiled Pro-Democracy Activists

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Political Turmoil in South Africa as Zuma's Party Seeks to Block Parliament

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Chiquita Brands Ordered to Pay $38.3 Million for Funding Colombian Paramilitary Group

 @ISIDEWITH 제출 됨…13 시간13H

China solar panel costs drop 42% from year ago

 @ISIDEWITH 질문…13 시간13H

부유한 국가가 관세를 도구로 사용하여 다른 국가들을 무역 관행을 변경하도록 압박하는 것은 윤리적인가요?

 @ISIDEWITH 질문…13 시간13H

외국 제품이 관세 인상으로 더 비싸지면 구매하기 어려워진다면 어떻게 느끼시겠습니까?

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Germany launches bid to avert trade war with China

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어떻게 사회가 테러와 관련된 국가 출신 개인들을 대우해야 한다고 생각하십니까?

 @ISIDEWITH 제출 됨…15 시간15H

6 ISIS 테러리스트가 미국 국경을 넘어와 체포되었습니다.

 @ISIDEWITH 제출 됨…15 시간15H

Secret Tape Exposes Supreme Court Justice Alito's Wife's Controversial Remarks

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프랑스 금융 시장, 조기 선거를 앞둔 정치적 불확실성에 휘젓휘젓하다

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바이든이 의료 부채를 소비자 신용 보고서에서 제외하도록 조치를 취합니다

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Supreme Court Decisions Ignite Debates on Autonomy, Ethics, and Rights

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Russia and Belarus Escalate Tensions with Second Stage of Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

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한국이 북한군이 국경을 넘어오자 경고 사격을 하며 긴장이 고조되다.

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이멸종 위기에 처한 예멘 해상에서 이민 선박 침몰 사고로 49명 사망, 140명 실종

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How does media portrayal of such incidents influence your feelings about visiting another country, and do you think it's…

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In light of this incident, what measures do you think should be taken to ensure the safety of students and educators tra…

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How would you feel if you or a loved one were studying abroad and experienced a violent attack, and how might it change…

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4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

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US and Poland Unite to Combat Russian Disinformation on Ukraine