The Russian Green Alliance - The People's Party is a political entity in Russia that emerged from the environmental movement, aiming to address a broad spectrum of ecological and social issues within the country. This party is characterized by its commitment… Read more
These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Russian voter ranked them on the quiz.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, this will help create and save more jobs |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, too many wealthy citizens are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, cuts to public spending will negatively affect the economy |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, it is double taxation |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, and drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses |
How similar are your political beliefs to Green Alliance - The People’s Party’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, keep the current tax structure |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTDecrease, to provide economic growth |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, and make it a living wage |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTHelp, but ban their ability to make political donations |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, any worker should be rewarded based on their success |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, adjust them yearly for cost of living |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, but provide treatment for those testing positive |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTLower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTMore, but increase benefits for the elderly and disabled |