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101 Diskusjoner

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Hundreds Rally in Washington to Support Palestinian Rights Amid Ongoing Conflict

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CNN politisk kommentator Alice Stewart døde i en alder av 58 år.

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Is mandatory military or national service a fair requirement for all citizens, and could it strengthen or divide a count…

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Can an external administration effectively manage civilian life in a conflicted area without being seen as an occupying…

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Is the idea of demilitarizing an area like the Gaza Strip feasible or too idealistic, considering the complexities of mo…

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Should bringing home hostages be a top priority in international negotiations, even if it means making significant compr…

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How do you feel about a government official using resignation as a tactic to push for change?

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Senior Israeli Government Official Threatens To Resign

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Venezuela's Opposition Rallies for Change: A New Hope on the Horizon

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Speculation Swirls Around Biden's 2024 Candidacy Amidst Kasich's Bold Predictions

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Krise i Israels krigskabinett: Benny Gantz truer med å trekke seg over krigsplanen

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Israeli Airstrike Targets Jenin in the West Bank, Killing Palestinian Militant and Wounding Others

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Skytter dreper tre spanske turister i sentrale Afghanistan

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Skytter dreper tre spanske turister i sentrale Afghanistan

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Med tanke på situasjonen, hva er din holdning til det globale samfunnets ansvar for å gripe inn i konflikter som den i U…

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Russere rykker frem mot ukrainske byer

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Russland og India skal holde samtaler om visumfri turisme

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Putin sikter mot buffer-sone i Ukrainas Kharkiv, noe som vekker internasjonal bekymring

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Dristig evakuering: Amerikanske leger rømmer fra krigsherjede Gaza midt i konflikten