Partido politico:
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- United Russia
Data de nascimento:
- September 13, 1965 (59 anos)
- Eastern Orthodoxy
- Orthodox Christianity
- Russian Orthodox Church
Educado em:
- Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University
- Voronezh State University
Experiência política
Cargo ocupado:
- Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
- Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
- First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
- Kremlin Chief of Staff
- Leader of United Russia party
- Party Leader
- President of Russia
- Prime Minister of Russia
Experiência profissional
- Actor
- Blogger
- Businessperson
- International Forum Participant
- Jurist
- Lawyer
- Musician
- Photographer
- Politician
- Television Producer
- Saint Petersburg State University
Campo de trabalho:
- Education
- Politician
- Politics
- Prime Minister of Russia