Tiểu sử
Đảng chính trị:
- A Just Russia
- Russian Party of Life
Ngày sinh:
- February 13, 1953 (72 tuổi)
Tôn giáo:
- Eastern Orthodoxy
- Orthodox Christianity
Thành viên của:
- 5th State Duma of the Russian Federation
- 6th State Duma of the Russian Federation
- 7th State Duma of the Russian Federation
- 8th State Duma
- 8th State Duma of the Russian Federation
- Federation Council
- Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg
Giáo dục
Được giáo dục tại:
- Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University
- Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
- Russian Academy of State Service
- Saint Petersburg Mining University
- Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
- Saint Petersburg State University
Kinh nghiệm chính trị
Vị trí tổ chức:
- Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia
- Federation Council
- member of the Federation Council of Russia
- member of the State Duma
Kinh nghiệm chuyên môn
Nghề nghiệp:
- member of the State Duma
- Politician
- Statesperson