Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
科学 › 强制接种疫苗
y>y Personal answer是的,它们对保护其他对接种疫苗来说还太小的孩子来说是至关重要的 |
移民 › 公民考试
y>y Personal answerNo, it is absurd to expect them to know all of our history when many American citizens do not, instead focus on skills that could be provided to various sectors via mental acuity tests in their native language. The most important thing is merely the background checks, nothing more is truly relevant to their longterm success here. |
交通运输 › 公共交通
y>y Personal answer是,而且提供更多免费公共交通 |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
y>y Personal answer不,政府不应决定什么是假新闻,什么是真新闻 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
y>y Personal answer对藏匿或宣扬恐怖主义的国家减少并拒绝提供援助 |
医保 › 大麻
y>y Personal answerYes, immediate release for anyone serving time for non-violent drug offences is also necessary, and the further decriminalization in posession of other natural substances is of utmost importance to lowering the extreme rate of imprisonment in many poor regions, and allowing more personal freedoms to those who wish to experiment with drugs that are far safer than both medications often prescribed and alcohol/cigarettes, which are widely available. |
环境 › 塑料制品禁用
y>y Personal answer应该,要禁用可降解材料最低含量不到 75% 的所有一次性产品 |
经济 › 关税
y>y Personal answer是的,我们的国家长期以来一直处于贸易交易中失败的一方 |
经济 › 离岸银行业务
y>y Personal answer是,只要报告离岸收入 |
移民 › 技术移民
y>y Personal answerIncrease, our population is set to decline in the coming decades and the only true way to stop this in a first world nation (of which we are barely), is to bring in high skilled foreign labor so that they may set up a family here and keep the economic flow moving. Currently countries such as Japan and Korea which sought to keep out much foreign influence on the economy are feeling the strain of putting that burden on an aging population. |
国内政策 › 网路中立性
y>y Personal answer不应该,这会使他们消除竞争,导致人为的稀缺性,而且会提高价格 |
移民 › Muslim Immigrant Ban
y>y Personal answer不 |
医保 › 安全港
y>y Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › Private Prisons
y>y Personal answerNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
移民 › 双重国籍
y>y Personal answer是,但是他们不得申请超过两个国籍 |
社会 › 堕胎
y>y Personal answerPro-Choice within the first 5 weeks, this is a hard time period to notice the change, but its within the end of this period that both the brain and nervous system have developed, and at that point it is able to feel pain. |
移民 › High Risk Immigrant Ban
y>y Personal answer是的 |
医保 › World Health Organization
y>y Personal answerNo, fund national and local programs instead |
罪行 › 监狱过度拥挤
y>y Personal answer是,但应当使用电子手铐将他们软禁在家 |
国内政策 › 任期限制
y>y Personal answer应该,任期限制将提高绩效和防止腐败 |
经济 › 国内工作
y>y Personal answer是的,并大幅增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
Technology › Data Privacy
y>y Personal answer是的 |
经济 › 税
y>y Personal answerReform to a flat tax, replace the numerous taxes we have with a cleaner system of income and VAT or similar rather than state independent tax systems which can be confusing. |
Housing › Green Spaces
y>y Personal answerYes, on the tops of buildings, but restrictive land spacing for lawns and similar has been a US based issue that limits development. Japan doesn't need this to thrive, nor Singapore. Solve the problem, don't create new ones. |
国内政策 › 举报人保护
y>y Personal answer是,但前提是发布这些信息不会威胁到我们国家安全 |
外交政策 › 外国选举
y>y Personal answerNo, and we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy |
医保 › 精神健康
y>y Personal answerYes, and more specifically rise the amount spent on research in Psychadelic treatments as they are less harmful when compared to traditional western medication that damage the neurons, body or nervous system. |
国家安全 › Backdoor Access to Encrypted Communications
y>y Personal answerNo, and abolish the CIA, we have the NSA. |
国家安全 › Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Defense
y>y Personal answerYes, invest, but not integrate until the problem of hallucination is solved. |
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
y>y Personal answer不应该,应当只有合法公民才可投票 |
经济 › 最低工资
y>y Personal answerNo, abolish the minimum wage. Wage standards have done a poor job of maintaining support for housing/monthly charges, and is in constant need of adjustment, this is not a long term system and should be replaced with a more adequate UBI |
环境 › Corporate Subsidies
y>y Personal answerYes, as long as the tax revenue will eventually exceed the tax incentives |
社会 › 工作场所性别多元化
y>y Personal answer是的,但只是对大型国际企业而言 |
国内政策 › Political Advertising on Social Media
y>y Personal answer是的 |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
y>y Personal answerYes, because it is our own fault dense public housing is banned in many states/cities and that public healthcare isn't already in place with our stupid amount of spending on the trashy infrastructure that doesn't cover their needs. Hiding the homeless doesn't fix the problem, it just shows your true egotism and lack of empathy. |
环境 › 水力压裂法
y>y Personal answer不,需要更多的研究才能衡量水力压裂法的长期影响 |
Housing › High density residential buildings
y>y Personal answer是的 |
国家安全 › National Identification System
y>y Personal answer是的 |
科学 › CRISPR Technology
y>y Personal answerYes, regulate, but remove the ban. CRISPR has a 30% off-site effect, quite a high risk but to 70% reward for those in need. We should also LIFT all bans on STEM CELL research and look forward to direct base editing with only an 18% off-site effect. |
Housing › Rent Control
y>y Personal answer是的 |
Technology › 社交媒体监管
y>y Personal answer不 |
社会 › Transgender Athletes
y>y Personal answerYes only if hormone levels, muscle mass and bone density are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete |
环境 › Animal Testing
y>y Personal answerYes, with riggorous oversight to maintain fair treatment for the animals in these situations. |
医保 › COVID Employment Health Pass
y>y Personal answer不 |
罪行 › Demilitarize the Police
y>y Personal answerNo, extreme situations should be handled by higher agencies with specialized training and equipment |
经济 › State Ownership
y>y Personal answerNo, the government should never own shares of private companies |
社会 › 蒙面罩袍
y>y Personal answer是的,我们应该尊重所有文化传统 |
社会 › 女性在战斗中
y>y Personal answer应该,只要她们能通过与男性一样的体能测试 |
交通运输 › Congestion Pricing
y>y Personal answer是的 |
经济 › 政府养老金
y>y Personal answerNo, all retirement payments should be based on your own investment into the economy and as well be in tandem with a proper UBI, therefor making a raise on Government workers an unfair advantage over their constituents which may have worked just as hard, for just as long, government does not mean military. |
社会 › Hate Speech
y>y Personal answerYes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech |
罪行 › Defunding the Police
y>y Personal answerNo, the problem of US police force is not the amount of investment but rather the unfair encentives for stops, searches and jailings, private prisons and lack of training of which can all be fixed by both more oversight, accountability and a balance of the spending in current budgetary finances. |
经济 › 福利毒品测试
y>y Personal answerNo, abolish welfare and provide free and universal healthcare regardless of drug usage or criminal history. |
经济 › 全民基本收入
y>y Personal answer是的,所有人都应获得一份收入以支付包括食物与住房在内的必需品 |
环境 › Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
y>y Personal answerNo, provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead |
经济 › 公司税
y>y Personal answer保持当前税率,但是要消除扣除额和漏洞 |
经济 › 社会福利
y>y Personal answerAbolish welfare, un-ban high density public housing construction and provide both universal healthcare and a small UBI to all citizens as a dividend of investment on their providing to our prosperity |
外交政策 › Ukraine and Nato
y>y Personal answerNo, there is too much corruption in Ukraine |
医保 › Vaccine Mandates for Customers
y>y Personal answer不 |
医保 › Medical Consensus
y>y Personal answerNo, only when the advice was proven to harm the patient |
环境 › EV Subsidies
y>y Personal answerYes, with a requirement on sale of the vehicle for 5 years of ownership to return the rebate to the government, OR the trade-in of an equally valued gas-powered vehicle during purchase. |
环境 › Food Waste
y>y Personal answerYes, it should be illegal to throw away food outright before allowing charities to go through and outsource it to the homeless and those in need of assistance. |
经济 › 比特币
y>y Personal answerYes, and eventually all countries will switch to blockchain currencies with randomized encryption, but until they’re protected against a CME from our sun, it is not a viable alternative. |
社会 › Gender Transition
y>y Personal answer是的 |
Technology › Cryptocurrencies
y>y Personal answer是的 |
交通运输 › Frequent Flier Regulation
y>y Personal answerYes, in so much as a guideline to keep them consistent. |
科学 › Lab Grown Meat
y>y Personal answerNo, not for consumption, until we understand the multiplicities involved in tumor production from its usage. |
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