The Russian Green Alliance - The People's Party is a political entity in Russia that emerged from the environmental movement, aiming to address a broad spectrum of ecological and social issues within the country. This party is characterized by its commitment… Read more
These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Russian voter ranked them on the quiz.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不应该,判处他们终身监禁,且不得假释 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的,但是只在服完他们的刑期和缓刑之后 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不应该,但是我们应该增加在为犯人提供教育和技能培训服务方面的资金 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTYes, but only in response to extreme situations |
How similar are your political beliefs to Green Alliance - The People’s Party’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTNo, increase funding and training for police departments in higher crime rate communities |