The Russian Green Alliance - The People's Party is a political entity in Russia that emerged from the environmental movement, aiming to address a broad spectrum of ecological and social issues within the country. This party is characterized by its commitment… Read more
These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Russian voter ranked them on the quiz.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的,这将有助于创造和保留更多就业机会 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不,太多富有的公民正在滥用海外银行法律的漏洞逃税 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不,削减公共开支将对经济产生不利的影响 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的它是双重征税 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的,并大幅增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
How similar are your political beliefs to Green Alliance - The People’s Party’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不,保持现在的税收结构 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPTDecrease, to provide economic growth |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的,并且使它成为一个可以保证生活的工资 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT帮助,但是禁止他们做政治捐款 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT不,任何工人应奖励基于他们的成功 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT应该,每年根据生活费进行调整 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT应该,但是要为那些结果为阳性的人提供治疗办法 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT是的,所有人都应获得一份收入以支付包括食物与住房在内的必需品 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT减少,但是消除扣除额和漏洞 |
GATPP>GATPP ChatGPT增加限制,但增加老年人和残疾人的福利 |